Friday, July 4, 2014

Whew, spring term real quick.

So this term was pretty crazy. Clearly, I didn't get the chance to blog... but hopefully living at the Info Desk this summer (plus all of the cool things happening) will give me some opportunities to write! I really would like to be on my blog more often. One reason is that even more of my friends have graduated so my circle is spreading further around the country! Keeping in touch consistently is hard for me, so I hope that my blog is one way I can update these people that I love. Another motivator for me to write here is that I like sharing the things I am learning and/or are working on. I like to be pretty aware of how God's spirit is working in me on a day-to-day basis writing about it helps me reflect. Putting these thoughts in a public place like this is another way of sharing my life with those I might not be talking to as often as I like (and everyone else).

So, some big things that happened this term:

Senior recital - this was a lot of work to put together, but I love the music I chose and had a blast performing! It reminded me of so many different ways I've been blessed here at Lawrence... that I am able to participate in the Conservatory, that I have a wonderful and dedicated teacher, that I have talented and fun colleagues to work with and that I have an amazing studio and group of friends/family to support me!

My baby sister Rachel on flute and 'grandma' Allison on piano! We played "Maya" by Ian Clarke.
(Most of) my flute studio!
Potts wedding - a couple of friends throughout my Lawrence years, Sarah and Colin, got married on May 31st! I got to play my flute for their ceremony and was very happy to be a part of that great day :) This was the first of a series of 3 weddings of close friends of mine. I'm inspired by the love and devotion my friends have for God and for those who He has placed in their lives!

Absolutely love these girls. The beautiful bride is in the middle, surrounded by her bridesmaid and musicians!
Anthropology project - this term I took the dreaded Research Methods class for my Anthropology major... and loved it! I did my small research project at the Emergency Shelter of the Fox Valley and although there was a lot of work and time involved, I wish I could have researched every single aspect of the place! It was fascinating and inspiring, and I left every session there with a huge smile on my face. That organization is truly making a difference in people's lives and striving to show the value of the homeless of Appleton as hard-working, resilient people.

Graduation - this year my class graduated! Which was very weird, since I didn't graduate with them. I'm happy to be staying a fifth year since I enjoy both my degree programs and love Lawrence, but seeing the age group I have identified with for four years move on while I stay behind was much more uncomfortable than I anticipated. Nevertheless, I am happy for my friends and for all the big plans and opportunities they have! 

The "Colman Quad" - Emily, Josie, me and Lauren!
Those are the highlights of my spring term! I hope to stop making myself busy beyond belief so that I have time to continue thinking and writing outside of classwork once the term begins. In a couple of days my hubby Josie gets married, so I'm sure I'll be writing again soon. Bye!